Thursday, 30 November 2006

Session 3 - Football

in this third session we started with a well worked warm up were was running around all directions and around the court sprinting and side stepping throught the warm up. Sarah took the practical session. First of all we needed to get into groups of threes and a ball between us, one of us three would throw the ball up into the air the player in the middle would control it by either head, chest, thigh or foot and pass it onto the third person and we kept on switching places. after this we got into groups of four and made a little goal, one person went into net, one person threw the ball into play and the other two people was either an attacker or a defender, the defender was suppost to try and tackle the attcker and stop him from scoring and the attckers aim was to score a goal. after this we moved onto a game sarah told us to split up into partners and name our selves 1 or 2. ones was a team and the twos were a team and the game was set out as there was lots of little goals all around the pitch and the aim was to score as many goals as possible and this was a very enjoyable end to the practical with the twos winning 10-8 against the ones.

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